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  188 results were returned in 19 pages from a total of 27032 records.
   Location: Plot on Map (49.5975 / 8.4708) --> Source: URL

UP DN Frequency Callsign/Station Short Info Location Randomize
Repeater 7.755.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Biblis, Germany [41 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 7755 kHz between 1200 UTC to 1600 UTC from Biblis, Germany!
Repeater 3.580.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Lampertheim, Germany [80 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 3580 kHz between 1730 UTC to 1800 UTC from Lampertheim, Germany!
Repeater 1.870.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Biblis, Germany [160 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 1870 kHz between 0230 UTC to 0330 UTC from Biblis, Germany!
Repeater 7.175.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Biblis, Germany [40 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 7175 kHz between 0300 UTC to 0400 UTC from Biblis, Germany!
Repeater 3.605.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Lampertheim, Germany [80 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 3605 kHz between 0300 UTC to 0330 UTC from Lampertheim, Germany!
Repeater 2.150.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Biblis, Germany [120 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 2150 kHz between 1600 UTC to 1700 UTC from Biblis, Germany!
Repeater 5.410.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Lampertheim, Germany [49 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 5410 kHz between 1500 UTC to 1700 UTC from Lampertheim, Germany!
Repeater 7.115.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Biblis, Germany [40 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 7115 kHz between 1800 UTC to 2100 UTC from Biblis, Germany!
Repeater 7.215.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Biblis, Germany [40 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 7215 kHz between 1730 UTC to 1800 UTC from Biblis, Germany!
Repeater 9.750.000 IBB Power: 100 kW Biblis, Germany [31 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 9750 kHz between 1900 UTC to 2100 UTC from Biblis, Germany!

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