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  106 results were returned in 11 pages from a total of 27032 records.
   Location: Plot on Map (35.6082 / -77.3753) --> Source: URL

UP DN Frequency Callsign/Station Short Info Location Randomize
Repeater 7.405.000 Radio Martí Power: 250 Greenville, NC, United States [41 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info Radio Martí located in Greenville, NC, United States operating on 7405 Khz.
Repeater 0.900.000 WIAM Power: 1.0 kW Williamston, NC, United States [AM Broadcast] [mapper] [stumbler]
info WIAM Lifeline Ministries, Inc broadcasting on 900 kHz from Williamston, NC, United States!
Repeater 5.185.000 IBB Power: 250 kW Greenville, NC, United States [49 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 5185 kHz between 2030 UTC to 2100 UTC from Greenville, NC, United States!
Repeater 9.820.000 Voice of America Power: 250 Greenville, NC, United States [31 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info Voice of America located in Greenville, NC, United States operating on 9820 Khz.
Repeater 1.570.000 WECU Power: 3.8 kW Winterville, NC, United States [AM Broadcast] [mapper] [stumbler]
info WECU Ctc Media Group broadcasting on 1570 kHz from Winterville, NC, United States!
Repeater 9.535.000 IBB Power: 500 kW Greenville, NC, United States [31 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 9535 kHz between 1400 UTC to 1415 UTC from Greenville, NC, United States!
Repeater 6.040.000 Voice of America Power: 250 Greenville, NC, United States [49 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info Voice of America located in Greenville, NC, United States operating on 6040 Khz.
Repeater 9.565.000 IBB Power: 250 kW Greenville, NC, United States [31 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 9565 kHz between 1700 UTC to 2400 UTC from Greenville, NC, United States!
Repeater 7.895.000 IBB Power: 125 kW Greenville, NC, United States [41 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 7895 kHz between 1830 UTC to 2100 UTC from Greenville, NC, United States!
Repeater 5.390.000 IBB Power: 250 kW Greenville, NC, United States [49 Meters] [mapper] [stumbler]
info International Broadcasting Bureauu (International Broadcasting Bureauu) broadcasting on 5390 kHz between 1630 UTC to 1700 UTC from Greenville, NC, United States!

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